For just what close they did them, Phil

For just what close they did them, Phil

Collins is secure when you look at the Senate for 5 1/2 more age. Dems cannot overcome the lady with Obama or Biden about vote. This is just a parting shot to try and tarnish their win.

Then there is the simple fact the election was actually determined by 42k votes combined in 3 reports out of 12 million cast in claims where there were lots of issues with VBM, unsupervised matters, vote collection, illegal ballots, etc.

You can also feel Trump will have obtained WI, GA and WI barring scam, as well as NV and PA.

Doesn’t go the needle whatsoever, Wes but it’s yet another example the media try 100per cent in leftist assault means 24/7 365 days annually. These are typically relentless. When one part controls the airways on level they are doing it really is an uphill conflict. Tough than i have previously viewed it and having bad on a regular basis.

I am not a Republican, and that I’m under no duty to get section of a gestalt POV with this. We chosen for Trump, but i possibly could determine from day after the 2018 elections, he previously read nothing and was actually driving to conquer.

Trusting Trump was actually robbed will alter absolutely nothing. Assuming Biden additionally the Democrats are a very clear possibility to this state’s continuing as an important world-power and ought to be stopped is a lot more essential and pushing in my experience.

That is why I want Republicans to victory . Arguing Trump got robbed centered on anecdotal proof several failed legal problems and 42,000 ballots doesn’t make that happen purpose but distracts from it.

This is the thing, Jason

Then there’s Carrollton TX escort the simple fact the election was decided by 42k ballots merged in 3 reports off 12 million cast in claims in which there had been some issues with VBM, unsupervised matters, ballot cropping, unlawful votes, etc. ———

It is exactly why the Republicans has trouble in 2022

it actually was a blunder the gop permitting the dems to railroad the election through simply because many into the business disliked trump

when the courts while the gop institution have at the very least generated the look of examining the credibility on the election, they will take a better room … and also the dems would-be also

for instance, i off-shored a major section of my riches prior to the election (perhaps not as a result of the election, but just for a your retirement financial)

Biden happens to be just the problems I anticipated as President. Things are just obtaining bad under your. This may be the pain sensation we have to alter the course for this nation. I don’t want it after all, but I understood it absolutely was coming.

The Democrat Party is simply too authoritarian and too willing to break down folks your main intent behind attaining energy for items to become renewable since they are.

Whoa, Lisa. You are hometown back Massachusetts wouldn’t normally approve for the latest part of that report. You may be hereby called aˆ?xenophobic.aˆ?

aˆ?No, you simply can’t,aˆ? the guy mentioned, via pooler aˆ?Not unless you enter side associated with car as I step-on they. I’m only teasing.aˆ?

A friend of my own at the job today laid into a Biden supporter by snarkily aˆ?thankingaˆ? him when it comes down to method the country is certainly going. The Biden promoter halfheartedly made an effort to say things are okay. We could tell the guy didn’t really feel what he was saying.

Assuming Trump ended up being robbed will alter absolutely nothing. Thinking Biden therefore the Democrats become a very clear risk for this country’s continuing as an important world power and must be quit was more vital and pushing if you ask me.aˆ?

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